Nosferatu Quiz

Nosferatu Quiz

How much do you know about Nosferatu?

Step into the haunting shadow of the iconic vampire figure with our Nosferatu Quiz!

This quiz isn't just about the groundbreaking 1922 silent film; it's a comprehensive exploration of everything related to Nosferatu, from its early beginnings to its lasting impact in various media.

Whether you're a fan of the eerie original or intrigued by its numerous adaptations and influences, this quiz will challenge and enlighten you about the enduring legacy of this seminal figure in horror cinema.

Prepare to delve into the mysterious world of one of cinema's most unforgettable ghouls – Nosferatu awaits!

Start the Nosferatu quiz

Questions and answers about Nosferatu

  • What year was the original "Nosferatu" film released?

    The original "Nosferatu" film was released in 1922. This silent film is considered a masterpiece of early horror cinema, setting the stage for future vampire films and influencing the genre for decades to come.

    • 1922
    • 1925
    • 1931
    • 1919
  • Who directed the 1922 film "Nosferatu"?

    The 1922 film "Nosferatu" was directed by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau. Murnau's innovative direction and use of atmospheric visuals in "Nosferatu" made it a landmark film in the horror genre and a significant work in the history of cinema.

    • F. W. Murnau
    • Fritz Lang
    • Carl Theodor Dreyer
    • Robert Wiene
  • In "Nosferatu," what is the name of the vampire character?

    In "Nosferatu," the name of the vampire character is Count Orlok. This character, distinct from the traditional depiction of vampires at the time, remains one of the most iconic images in horror film history.

    • Count Orlok
    • Count Dracula
    • Baron Nachtzehrer
    • Lord Ruthven
  • What is the full title of the 1922 "Nosferatu" film?

    The full title of the 1922 "Nosferatu" film is "Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens," which translates to "Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror." This title reflects the film's blend of horror and art, creating a symphonic and chilling experience for viewers.

    • Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror
    • Nosferatu, the Vampyre's Curse
    • Nosferatu, the Unholy Terror
    • Nosferatu, Prince of Darkness
  • Which silent film era does "Nosferatu" belong to?

    "Nosferatu" belongs to the German Expressionist silent film era. This movement, characterized by its stylized visuals, dramatic lighting, and bold use of shadow and contrast, was influential in shaping the visual language of early cinema, particularly in the horror genre.

    • German Expressionist
    • French Impressionist
    • Italian Neorealism
    • American Silent Era
  • What novel was "Nosferatu" unofficially based on, leading to a lawsuit?

    "Nosferatu" was unofficially based on Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula," which led to a lawsuit from Stoker's estate. The film closely mirrored the novel's plot and characters without obtaining the rights, resulting in a court ruling against the filmmakers.

    • Dracula
    • Frankenstein
    • The Vampyre
    • Carmilla
  • Who played the role of Count Orlok in the original "Nosferatu"?

    Max Schreck played the role of Count Orlok in the original "Nosferatu." Schreck's haunting portrayal of the vampire has been praised for its eerie and unsettling depiction, contributing significantly to the film's lasting impact in the horror genre.

    • Max Schreck
    • Bela Lugosi
    • Lon Chaney
    • Conrad Veidt
  • What country produced the original "Nosferatu" film?

    The original "Nosferatu" film was produced in Germany. The film is a seminal work in German Expressionist cinema, known for its atmospheric and innovative visual style that has influenced countless films within and outside the horror genre.

    • Germany
    • Austria
    • United States
    • United Kingdom
  • In "Nosferatu," what is the name of the town threatened by the vampire?

    In "Nosferatu," the town threatened by the vampire is named Wisborg. The setting of Wisborg provides a stark contrast to the eerie presence of Count Orlok, heightening the sense of dread and foreboding in the film.

    • Wisborg
    • Bremen
    • Nuremberg
    • Lübeck
  • How does the vampire in "Nosferatu" meet his demise?

    The vampire in "Nosferatu" meets his demise by exposure to sunlight. This iconic scene in which Count Orlok vanishes in a puff of smoke after being caught in the sunlight was influential in establishing sunlight as a common vampire weakness in popular culture.

    • Exposure to sunlight
    • Stake through the heart
    • Decapitation
    • Holy water
  • Who composed the original score for the 1922 "Nosferatu"?

    Hans Erdmann composed the original score for the 1922 "Nosferatu." His composition helped to accentuate the film's eerie and haunting atmosphere, adding to the overall sense of dread and unease throughout the film.

    • Hans Erdmann
    • Max Steiner
    • Philip Glass
    • Bernard Herrmann
  • What is the name of the ship that brings Count Orlok to Wisborg in "Nosferatu"?

    The ship that brings Count Orlok to Wisborg in "Nosferatu" is named the Empusa. In the film, the arrival of this ship, along with its mysterious and deadly cargo, marks a pivotal moment in the story's progression towards horror and tragedy.

    • Empusa
    • Demeter
    • Vesta
    • Odyssey
  • In "Nosferatu," what is the relationship between Ellen and Hutter?

    In "Nosferatu," Ellen and Hutter are married. Ellen is Hutter's devoted wife, whose role becomes increasingly significant as she learns about the vampire and eventually sacrifices herself to save the town of Wisborg from Count Orlok's terror.

    • Married
    • Siblings
    • Cousins
    • Friends
  • What was the legal controversy surrounding the release of "Nosferatu"?

    The legal controversy surrounding the release of "Nosferatu" involved a copyright infringement lawsuit by the estate of Bram Stoker. The film was an unauthorized adaptation of Stoker's novel "Dracula," leading to a court ruling that ordered all copies of the film to be destroyed.

    • Copyright infringement lawsuit by Bram Stoker's estate
    • Dispute over the portrayal of vampirism
    • Controversy regarding the film's depiction of occult practices
    • Disagreements over film distribution rights
  • What is the subtitle of Werner Herzog's 1979 remake of "Nosferatu" in German?

    The subtitle of Werner Herzog's 1979 remake of "Nosferatu" in German is "Phantom der Nacht," which translates to "Phantom of the Night." This subtitle reflects the film's haunting and ethereal portrayal of the vampire legend.

    • Phantom der Nacht
    • Schatten des Vampirs
    • Fluch der Untoten
    • Herrschaft des Schreckens
  • Who played Count Dracula in Herzog's "Nosferatu the Vampyre"?

    Klaus Kinski played Count Dracula in Werner Herzog's "Nosferatu the Vampyre." Kinski's portrayal of Dracula, with his haunting and intense performance, is a central element of Herzog's atmospheric and visually striking adaptation.

    • Klaus Kinski
    • Bruno Ganz
    • Max Schreck
    • Christopher Lee
  • How does Herzog's "Nosferatu" differ from the original film in terms of story?

    Herzog's "Nosferatu" differs from the original film in several ways, including a greater emphasis on the tragic and romantic aspects of the vampire's existence. Herzog's version delves deeper into Count Dracula's loneliness and longing, as well as the impact of his curse on the lives of others, particularly the character Lucy Harker.

    • Greater emphasis on tragedy and romance
    • Set in a different historical period
    • Focuses on a vampire hunter
    • Portrays Count Dracula as a hero
  • In what year was "Nosferatu the Vampyre" released?

    "Nosferatu the Vampyre" was released in 1979. Werner Herzog's remake of the classic silent film was acclaimed for its visual style and faithfulness to the original's mood, while also providing a unique interpretation of the story.

    • 1979
    • 1982
    • 1975
    • 1985
  • Who wrote the screenplay for the 1979 "Nosferatu" remake?

    The screenplay for the 1979 "Nosferatu" remake was written by Werner Herzog. As both the director and screenwriter, Herzog was able to imbue the film with his personal vision, creating a distinctive adaptation of the Nosferatu story.

    • Werner Herzog
    • F. W. Murnau
    • Bruno Ganz
    • Klaus Kinski
  • What is the significance of the name "Orlok" in "Nosferatu"?

    The name "Orlok" in "Nosferatu" is significant as it was created specifically for the film. The name Count Orlok was used instead of Dracula due to copyright concerns with Bram Stoker's estate. This name has become synonymous with the unique depiction of the vampire in Murnau's film.

    • Created for the film due to copyright concerns
    • A traditional Transylvanian name
    • Based on a historical figure
    • A reference to an ancient vampire myth
  • What innovation set "Nosferatu" apart in the vampire genre?

    "Nosferatu" is influential in the horror genre for being the first film where a vampire is killed by sunlight. This innovative concept, originating from "Nosferatu," has since become a staple in vampire lore. The film also set new standards in creating a haunting atmosphere, utilizing shadow and makeup to enhance horror elements, thereby influencing future horror films.

    • First film where a vampire is killed by sunlight
    • First film to use sound in horror
    • Introduced the concept of horror comedy
    • First to use special effects in horror
  • Are there any known surviving original prints of "Nosferatu" from 1922?

    Despite a court order to destroy all copies of "Nosferatu" due to the copyright infringement lawsuit, several original prints did survive. These surviving prints have allowed the film to be restored and preserved, continuing to be screened and admired by audiences worldwide.

    • Yes, several original prints survived
    • No, all were destroyed
    • Only fragments of the original prints exist
    • Only one original print survived
  • In what modern country is the castle of Count Orlok located in "Nosferatu"?

    In "Nosferatu," the castle of Count Orlok is located in Slovakia. The film depicts the castle as an eerie and isolated place, perched atop a mountain, adding to the film's atmosphere of dread and foreboding.

    • Slovakia
    • Germany
    • Romania
    • Hungary
  • How does "Nosferatu" depict vampirism differently from traditional vampire lore?

    "Nosferatu" depicts vampirism differently from traditional vampire lore by portraying Count Orlok not as a charming aristocrat but as a rat-like, monstrous figure. This portrayal deviates from the suave and sophisticated image of vampires, presenting a more primal and terrifying version of the creature.

    • Count Orlok as a rat-like, monstrous figure
    • Count Orlok as a sympathetic, misunderstood character
    • Count Orlok as a traditional, charming aristocrat
    • Count Orlok as a heroic figure
  • What are some notable visual elements or techniques used in "Nosferatu" that were innovative for its time?

    Notable visual elements and techniques used in "Nosferatu" include the use of shadow and light to create a sense of horror and unease, distorted and exaggerated set designs characteristic of German Expressionism, and innovative makeup and visual effects to portray Count Orlok's vampiric features. These elements combined to create a visually striking film that was ahead of its time.

    • Use of shadow and light, exaggerated sets, fast motion
    • Color film techniques, advanced CGI
    • Three-dimensional set design, use of animatronics
    • Extensive use of green screen and special effects
  • Who is the author of the book "Nosferatu: Plague of Terror," a novelization of the film?

    The author of the book "Nosferatu: Plague of Terror," a novelization of the film, is Paul Monette. This novel expands on the story of the film, providing additional context and depth to the tale of Count Orlok and his reign of terror.

    • Paul Monette
    • Stephen King
    • Anne Rice
    • Bram Stoker
  • What is the unique plot twist in 2000's "Shadow of the Vampire"?

    The unique plot twist in 2000's "Shadow of the Vampire" is the fictional premise that the actor portraying the vampire, Max Schreck, is an actual vampire. This intriguing twist blurs the line between reality and fiction within the film's narrative. The director of the fictional film within the movie, portrayed by John Malkovich, is aware of Schreck's true nature and is willing to overlook it for the sake of creating a masterpiece. This element adds a meta-fictional layer to the movie, as it reimagines the behind-the-scenes of making the iconic silent film "Nosferatu." The twist elevates the film from a simple retelling to a thought-provoking exploration of art, obsession, and the lengths to which creators will go for their craft.

    • Max Schreck is portrayed as a real vampire
    • The film is shot in complete darkness
    • It's revealed to be a dream in the end
    • The vampire is actually a robot
  • Which actor played the role of Max Schreck in "Shadow of the Vampire"?

    In "Shadow of the Vampire," the enigmatic character of Max Schreck, the actor portrayed as a real vampire, was masterfully played by Willem Dafoe. Dafoe's performance is central to the film's premise, providing a haunting and compelling portrayal of Schreck. This role earned him critical acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. His depiction skillfully combines elements of horror with a sense of underlying tragedy, adding depth to the film's exploration of the boundaries between reality and fiction in the world of filmmaking. Dafoe's portrayal stands out as a significant contribution to the vampire genre in cinema.

    • Willem Dafoe
    • John Malkovich
    • Nicolas Cage
    • Gary Oldman
  • Who is the director of the 2024 adaptation of "Nosferatu"?

    The 2024 adaptation of "Nosferatu" is directed by Robert Eggers, known for his distinctive style in the horror genre. Eggers first gained recognition with his debut film "The Witch" and continued to make a mark with movies like "The Lighthouse" and "The Northman." His version of "Nosferatu" is noted for being a gothic horror film, continuing the legacy of the original 1922 German Expressionist film. Eggers' adaptation promises to bring a fresh perspective to the classic story, weaving in his unique vision and narrative style.

    • Robert Eggers
    • Werner Herzog
    • F.W. Murnau
    • Guillermo del Toro
  • Who stars as the titular vampire in the 2024 film "Nosferatu"?

    In the 2024 film "Nosferatu," the role of the titular vampire is played by Bill Skarsgård. Skarsgård, who has already established himself in the horror genre with his chilling portrayal of Pennywise in the "It" movies, brings a new dimension to the iconic character of Nosferatu. His casting promises a captivating and possibly terrifying rendition of the vampire, adding to the legacy of the character that has been a part of cinema history since the early 20th century. Skarsgård's performance is highly anticipated by fans and critics alike, expecting a unique and memorable interpretation of the classic horror figure.

    • Bill Skarsgård
    • Robert Pattinson
    • Johnny Depp
    • Daniel Day-Lewis
  • Where was the majority of the 2024 "Nosferatu" film primarily shot?

    The majority of the 2024 film "Nosferatu" was primarily shot in and around Prague. This choice of location aligns well with the gothic atmosphere and historical backdrop essential to the narrative of "Nosferatu." Prague, with its rich history and architectural beauty, provides the perfect setting for a film steeped in horror and gothic elements. The city's old-world charm and eerie ambiance contribute significantly to creating the mood and tone that is expected of a film like "Nosferatu," which delves into themes of obsession, horror, and the supernatural.

    • Prague
    • Transylvania
    • Vienna
    • Berlin

Nosferatu Quiz

About Nosferatu

"Nosferatu" is a seminal figure in the realm of horror cinema, with its origins tracing back to the 1922 silent German Expressionist film directed by F. W. Murnau. This original film, titled "Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens" (Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror), is an unauthorized and unofficial adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel "Dracula." Due to its unauthorized nature, the film had to make several changes from the novel, notably including the names of characters and some plot details. The character of Dracula, for instance, was replaced with Count Orlok, portrayed by Max Schreck. Despite these changes, "Nosferatu" remains a masterpiece of the horror genre, celebrated for its eerie atmosphere and innovative use of shadows and camera techniques.

The character of Nosferatu himself, distinct from the more suave and aristocratic Dracula found in Stoker's novel, is depicted as a more sinister, rat-like creature, embodying pestilence and decay. This portrayal has significantly influenced the depiction of vampires in cinema and literature.

Over the years, "Nosferatu" has inspired numerous remakes and adaptations, each adding a unique perspective to the original story. A notable example is Werner Herzog's 1979 film "Nosferatu the Vampyre," which is both a tribute and a reimagining of Murnau's classic. Herzog's version is known for its haunting visuals and a more contemplative approach to the vampire mythos, starring Klaus Kinski in a memorable performance as Count Dracula.

In 2000, "Shadow of the Vampire," directed by E. Elias Merhige, took a meta-fictional approach to the "Nosferatu" legend. The film presents a fictionalized account of the making of Murnau's 1922 classic, suggesting that Max Schreck, the actor who played Count Orlok, was, in fact, a real vampire. This film stands out for its imaginative storyline and Willem Dafoe's critically acclaimed performance as Schreck.

The legacy of "Nosferatu" continues with the 2024 adaptation, directed by Robert Eggers. Known for his work in "The Witch" and "The Lighthouse," Eggers brings a fresh perspective to the tale. This version stars Bill Skarsgård, renowned for his role as Pennywise in the "It" adaptations, as the titular vampire. The film, set in a gothic landscape, is expected to delve into themes of obsession and horror, following in the footsteps of its predecessors while bringing new dimensions to the iconic character.

Each adaptation and remake of "Nosferatu" over the years demonstrates the enduring appeal and flexibility of the vampire mythos. Whether portrayed as a symbol of pestilence, a tragic figure, or a source of meta-fictional intrigue, Nosferatu remains a cornerstone of horror cinema, continually reshaped by the visions of different filmmakers while retaining its core essence that has chilled audiences for a century.