Nikola TeslaPhotographer: Dickenson V. AlleyRestored by Lošmi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Nikola Tesla Quiz

How much do you know about Nikola Tesla?

Welcome to the Nikola Tesla quiz! How much do you know about this legendary Serbian-American inventor and scientist? Tesla is known for his work in the field of electricity and electromagnetism, including the invention of alternating current and research in wireless power transmission. Test your knowledge of Tesla's life and work with this quiz, and show how much you know about this fascinating historical figure!

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Questions and answers about Tesla

  • What was Nikola Tesla's full name?

    His full name was Nikola Tesla.

    • Nikola Tesla
    • Nikola Alexander Tesla
    • Andrej Nikola Tesla
    • Nikola Thomas Tesla
  • What year was Nikola Tesla born?

    Nikola Tesla was born in 1856.

    • 1856
    • 1845
    • 1870
    • 1880
  • In which country was Nikola Tesla born?

    Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia.

    • Croatia
    • Serbia
    • Bosnia
    • Hungary
  • What was the first university degree that Nikola Tesla studied?

    Nikola Tesla studied electrical and mechanical engineering at the Politecnico di Graz in Austria.

    • Electrical and mechanical engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Arts and literature
    • Medicine
  • What year did Nikola Tesla emigrate to the United States?

    Nikola Tesla immigrated to the United States in 1884.

    • 1864
    • 1874
    • 1884
    • 1894
  • What was Nikola Tesla's first job in the United States?

    Nikola Tesla's first job in the United States was as an engineer at the Western Union Company.

    • Inventor at a lighting company
    • Physics professor at a university
    • Engineer at Western Union Company
    • Manager of a railway company
  • What famous invention did Nikola Tesla patent in 1888?

    Nikola Tesla patented the alternating current motor in 1888

    • The incandescent bulb
    • The radio
    • The phone
    • The alternating current motor
  • What is the name of the alternating current electrical system that Nikola Tesla helped develop?

    The alternating current electrical system that Nikola Tesla helped develop is called the Polyphase System

    • Continuous System
    • Electromagnetic System
    • Polyphase System
    • Direct Current System
  • What was the company that Nikola Tesla sold his alternating current patent to?

    Nikola Tesla sold his alternating current patent to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation

    • General Electric
    • IBM
    • Apple
    • Westinghouse Electric Corporation
  • Which project did Nikola Tesla collaborate with Thomas Edison on?

    Nikola Tesla collaborated with Thomas Edison on the project to improve the dynamo, a machine that generated electricity from the rotation of a shaft, in the 1880s. At the time, Tesla was working for Edison's company, but disagreements soon arose over how to improve the design of the dynamo. Tesla believed that it was possible to build a more efficient dynamo using alternating current instead of direct current, which was the type of current Edison preferred. The disagreements led to a rift between Tesla and Edison, and Tesla eventually left Edison's company to develop his own alternating current technology.

    • Edison Dynamo Improvement Project
    • Internal Combustion Engine Improvement Project
    • Wardenclyffe Tower Construction Project
    • Project for the creation of an alternating current motor
  • What was the experiment that Nikola Tesla carried out to demonstrate wireless power transmission?

    The experiment of transmitting electrical energy through electromagnetic waves at a distance of 25 miles

    • Experiment on the transmission of electrical energy through electromagnetic waves at a distance of 25 miles
    • Experiment of electric power transmission through a submarine cable
    • Experiment of electrical energy transmission through a lightning rod
    • Experiment of transmission of electrical energy through a laser
  • What kind of energy was Nikola Tesla's main area of research in the last years of his life?

    Free energy and the wireless transmission of electrical energy

    • Free energy and the wireless transmission of electrical energy
    • Nuclear power
    • Hydraulic power
    • Solar energy
  • What was Nikola Tesla's greatest project that was never completed?

    Wardenclyffe Tower

    • Wardenclyffe Tower
    • The internal combustion engine
    • The Death Ray
    • The electromagnetic bomb
  • What disease did Nikola Tesla suffer from in the last years of his life?

    A compulsive obsession and anxiety disorders

    • A compulsive obsession and anxiety disorders
    • Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Parkinson's disease
  • What contribution did Nikola Tesla make to the field of theoretical physics?

    Nikola Tesla made several important contributions to the field of theoretical physics. One of his best known contributions is the development of alternating electromagnetic field theory. This theory was fundamental to the development of alternating current and the transmission of electrical energy over long distances. He also made important contributions to the field of electricity and magnetism, including the development of Tesla's transformer and the induction motor.

    • Development of alternating electromagnetic field theory
    • Development of the internal combustion engine
    • Discovery of radioactivity
    • Contribution to the theory of relativity
  • What was the most important recognition that Nikola Tesla received during his lifetime?

    Throughout his career, Nikola Tesla received numerous recognitions and awards for his contributions to science and technology. However, one of the most important awards he received during his lifetime was the Edison Prize from the French Academy of Sciences in 1915. This award recognized his contributions to electrical physics and engineering, including his work in the development of electrical current. alternating current and long-distance transmission of electric power.

    • Edison Prize of the French Academy of Sciences in 1915
    • Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937
    • Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1922
    • Nobel Peace Prize in 1919
  • What is the name of the organization that Nikola Tesla founded in 1891?

    In 1891, Nikola Tesla founded the Tesla Electric Company, which would later become the Tesla Electric Company of New York. The company was engaged in research and development of new electrical systems and technologies, and was one of the first companies to work on the development of alternating current and long-distance transmission of electric power.

    • Tesla Electric Company
    • Edison Electric Company
    • Westinghouse Electric Company
    • General Electric Company
  • What is the name of Tesla's project that involved building a wireless power transmission tower?

    Tesla's project that involved building a wireless power transmission tower was called the Wardenclyffe Tower. Tesla intended to use the tower to transmit electrical power without wires, but the project was abandoned before completion due to financial problems.

    • Wardenclyffe Tower
    • Tesla Tower
    • Electrotransmitter Tower
    • Wireless Power Station
  • Which well-known inventor and businessman of the day was Nikola Tesla's greatest rival?

    Nikola Tesla's greatest rival was the well-known inventor and businessman of the time Thomas Edison. Although they initially collaborated together, Edison and Tesla had creative and business differences that led them to compete for the electric power market.

    • Thomas Edison
    • George Westinghouse
    • Elmer Sperry
    • Charles Brush
  • What was the first major electrical engineering project that Nikola Tesla carried out in the United States?

    Nikola Tesla's first major electrical engineering project in the United States was the Niagara Falls Hydroelectric Power Station. Tesla designed the hydroelectric plant's electric power generation, transmission, and distribution system, which provided power to the city of Buffalo, New York, and laid the foundation for the development of the United States' electric grid.

    • Niagara Falls Hydroelectric Power Plant
    • Westinghouse Power Station
    • Edison Power Plant
    • Sperry Power Station
  • What was Nikola Tesla's main contribution to the development of electric motors?

    Electric motors are one of Nikola Tesla's most important inventions and he is known for having significantly improved the design of the alternating current motor. Tesla's AC electric motors became very popular in industry and science, and to this day are widely used throughout the world.

    • Significantly improved AC motor design
    • Developed the first DC electric motor
    • he patented the first electric induction motor
    • He designed the first permanent magnet electric motor
  • What is the name of the laboratory that Nikola Tesla established in New York?

    After moving to New York in 1884, Nikola Tesla established his own laboratory to continue his research in electricity and energy. His laboratory was known to be a place where innovative and pioneering experiments were carried out.

    • Wardenclyffe Tower
    • Edison Laboratory
    • West Orange Laboratory
    • Tesla Laboratory
  • Which famous philosopher admired Nikola Tesla and considered him one of the greatest scientists of his time?

    Nikola Tesla was a scientist and innovative thinker who had many admirers in his time. One of the best known of him was a philosopher famous for his work in physics and logic. This philosopher admired Tesla's creativity and innovative mind, going so far as to describe him as "one of the greatest scientists who ever lived."

    • Immanuel Kant
    • Rene Descartes
    • Bertrand Russell
    • Plato
  • What was the book that Nikola Tesla recommended everyone to read?

    The book that Nikola Tesla recommended everyone to read was "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. In his biography "My Invention of the Twentieth Century," Tesla wrote, "Reading Faust turned my young mind in the direction of scientific inquiry," referring to how the work's main character, Dr. Faust, inspired him. to seek knowledge and discoveries in science. Tesla was known to be a great reader and it is believed that he read a large number of books throughout his life.

    • Faust
    • The Origin of Species
    • The Divine Comedy
    • The Prince

Nikola TeslaPhotographer: Dickenson V. AlleyRestored by Lošmi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

About Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, and physicist, known for his pioneering work in the field of electrical engineering and electromagnetism. He was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia, which at the time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Tesla's contributions to the field of electrical engineering are vast and include the invention of the Tesla coil, which is still used in radio and television technology today. He was also instrumental in the development of alternating current (AC) electrical systems, which are used to distribute electricity throughout the world.

Tesla was a brilliant inventor and had more than 300 patents to his name, including patents for electrical transformers, induction motors, and wireless communication. He also had a fascination with electricity and its properties, and conducted numerous experiments to study its behavior and develop new technologies based on its findings.

Despite his significant contributions to science and technology, Tesla was often outshone by his contemporaries, including Thomas Edison, and struggled financially throughout his life. He died on January 7, 1943 in New York City, but his legacy lives on and he is remembered as one of the greatest inventors and scientists of the modern era.